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Прошивка OS7200 MP20 v4.53c 20110318

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 апр 2011, 21:28
Прошивка процессора MP20 для OfficeServ 7200, версия 4.53c 20110318.
+ DM v1.02c

New Version Changes
’11.03.18 V4.53c
1. [-/MP11/-] NAT options are initialized after reboot on OS7100 MP11 system.
2. [-/-/-] Improving SIP Trunk exclusive function.
3. [P110309002/-/-] Networking issue os7100 and os500 switch
4. [-/-/-] WiFi pause issue
5. [P110222003/-/-] It is fixed that the clip translation name does not display on an SLT handset.
6. [-/-/-] SIP Hold Pick up does not work
7. [-/-/-] Consultation transfer does not work through Spnet on the 3rd party SIP station
8. [-/-/-] Changing Station name in Common Port Control (ITool 2.4.2) using IT makes SMT phones loosing connection to MP10a
9. [P101123007/-/-] DS5012L incorrect time
10. [-/OS7070/-] SLT port plug-out issue
11. [-/OS7100 MP10a/-] Fail to connect VM web on MP10a.
12. [P110322002/-/-] System Reset Sequence
13. [P110328001/OS7100/-] OAS card restart in OS7100